Online Grievance Redressal System is latest technology output that can be used to receive and act on grievances reported by stakeholders of private or public institutions, enabling prompt actions on any issue raised by them and to avail services more effectively. Unlike the conventional Grievance Redressal approach through complaint forms, the online grievance mechanism helps to pursue quick action for solving the grievance, while maintaining affordability and ease to the users. Also the portal for grievance processing connects stakeholders and action-takers directly through online platform. It facilitates institute stakeholders including students, parents, teachers and other non-teaching staff to register grievances and ensures prompt redressal in a timely manner.Effective and timely redressal of the grievances makes grievance redressal system mandatory in higher education institution, according to the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. According to the AICTE regulations in 2017, the HRD Ministry has stressed the need to establish an online grievance redressal system which enables the speedy redressal of grievances of the institute stakeholders. The new directive states that the institutions should also submit online monthly/quarterly status report to AICTE on the number of complaints received, disposed and pending. Besides, the Council will take into account the performance of this online redressal system at the time of renewal of the institution’s approval every year. Formation of Cell: For gender equality & gender justice in all its intervention & practices Woman Grievance Redressal Cell was established inside the college premises under the Act No. 20 of 1990 of Govt. of India under the surveillance of our respected Secy-Cum-Managing Trustee Sj. Ranjan Kumar Sundaray & Principal Prof. Banoj Kumar Panda. The Cell is responsible for looking into any complaints filed by students & staff about Woman Grievances at the Institute. According to the Hon. Supreme Court of India definition of sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexually determined behavior, such as: Physical contact and advances Demand or request for sexual favors Sexually Colored remarks Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature The functions of the cell are to purely safeguard the rights of female students, faculty and staff members of women and also to provide a platform for listening to complaints. The Cell also tries to incorporate hygiene habits and ensure a healthy atmosphere in and around the college. It tries to equip them with the knowledge of their legal rights and redressal of their grievances. To facilitate speedy delivery of justice, meetings are organized in periodic interval of time. The counseling cell processes oral and written complaints. Objectives of the cell: To resolve issues pertaining to girls’/women’s sexual harassment. To Women’s Grievance Redressal Cell has been formed to resolve issues To equip the female students, faculty and staff members with knowledge of their legal rights. To safeguard the rights of female students, faculty and staff members. To provide a platform for listening to complaints and redressal of grievances. To incorporate hygiene habits and ensure a healthy atmosphere in and around the college. To ensure personality along with academic development of students.